Handling sequencing run data

Illumina sequencing runs

The prep_sample_sheet.py utility can be used for editing and clean-up of sample sheet files that are used as input to the Fastq generation process, including converting between different sample sheet formats.


  1. Read in the sample sheet file SampleSheet.csv, update the SampleProject and SampleID for lanes 1 and 8, and write the updated sample sheet to the file SampleSheet2.csv:

    prep_sample_sheet.py -o SampleSheet2.csv --set-project=1,8:Control \
         --set-id=1:PhiX_10pM --set-id=8:PhiX_12pM SampleSheet.csv
  2. Automatically fix spaces and duplicated sampleID/sampleProject combinations and write out to SampleSheet3.csv:

    prep_sample_sheet.py --fix-spaces --fix-duplicates \
         -o SampleSheet3.csv SampleSheet.csv

The bcftbx library also provides classes and functions for handling Illumina sequencing data:

See Illumina sequencing data for details of the data structures of raw and processed Illumina sequencing runs.

SOLiD sequencing runs

The analyse_solid_run.py utility can be used to report on the primary data from a run of a SOLiD sequencer instrument, and perform various checks and operations those data.

The bcftbx library also provides classes and functions for handling SOLiD sequencing data:

See SOLiD sequencing data for details of the directory structure and contents of a SOLiD sequencing run.