
genomics-bcftbx provides a Python library and a set of utilities used for NGS and genomics-related bioinformatics tasks.

The bcftbx library provides submodules for various tasks, including:

  • handling data from Illumina and SOLiD sequencing platforms;

  • working with various file formats including Fastq, Fasta, MS

  • Excel (.xls and .xlsx), HTML and tab-delimited (.tsv) files;

  • running commands on local and cluster systems;

  • general filesystem operations, text manipulation and checksumming.

More details on the bcftbx library can be found in bcftbx library reference.

The library supports a collection of utilities for tasks including:

  • handling Illumina and SOLiD sequencing data;

  • reporting outputs from bioinformatics software;

  • analysing and reporting microarray data;

  • performing basic manipulations on Fastq and Fasta files;

  • working with MD5 checksumming of files.

More details on the utilities can be found in usage.