QC utilities

Scripts for running general QC and data preparation on SOLiD and Illumina sequencing data prior to library-specific analyses.



The pipeline runner program run_qc_pipeline.py is designed to automate running a specified script for all available datasets in one or more directories.

Datasets are assembled in an automated fashion by examining and grouping files in a given directory based on their file names and file extensions. The specified script is then run for each of the datasets, using the specified job runner to handle execution and monitoring for each run. The master pipeline runner performs overall monitoring, basic scheduling and reporting of jobs.

  • The --input and --regex options control the assembly of datasets
  • The --runner option controls which job runner is used
  • The --limit and --email options control scheduling and reporting

See below for more information on these options.

Usage and options


run_qc_pipeline.py [options] SCRIPT DIR [ DIR ...]

Execute SCRIPT on data in each directory DIR. By default the SCRIPT is executed on each CSFASTA/QUAL file pair found in DIR, as SCRIPT CSFASTA QUAL. Use the –input option to run SCRIPT on different types of data (e.g. FASTQ files). SCRIPT can be a quoted string to include command line options (e.g. 'run_solid2fastq.sh --gzip').

Basic Options:


queue no more than MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS at one time (default 4)


explicitly specify Grid Engine queue to use


specify type of data to use as input for the script. INPUT_TYPE can be one of: solid (CSFASTA/QUAL file pair, default), solid_paired_end (CSFASTA/QUAL_F3 and CSFASTA/QUAL_F5 quartet), fastq (FASTQ file), fastqgz (gzipped FASTQ file)


send email to EMAIL_ADDR when each stage of the pipeline is complete

Advanced Options:


regular expression to match input files against


submit no more than MAX_TOTAL_JOBS (otherwise submit all jobs)


specify how jobs are executed: ge = Grid Engine, drmma = Grid Engine via DRMAA interface, simple = use local system. Default is ge


print debugging output

Recipes and examples

  • Run the full SOLiD QC pipeline on a set of directories:

    run_qc_pipeline.py solid_qc.sh <dir1> <dir2> ...
  • Run the SOLiD QC pipeline on paired-end data:

    run_qc_pipeline.py --input=solid_paired_end solid_qc.sh <dir1> <dir2> ...
  • Run the Illumina QC pipeline on fastq.gz files in a set of directories:

    run_qc_pipeline.py --input=fastqgz illumina_qc.sh <dir1> <dir2> ...
  • Generate gzipped fastq files only in a set of directories:

    run_qc_pipeline.py "run_solid2fastq.sh --gzip" <dir1> <dir2> ...
  • Run the fastq_screen steps only on a set of directories:

    run_qc_pipeline.py --input=fastq fastq_screen.sh <dir1> <dir2> ...
  • Run the SOLiD preprocess filter steps only on a set of directories:

    run_qc_pipeline.py solid_preprocess_filter.sh <dir1> <dir2> ...
  • To get an email notification on completion of the pipeline:

    run_qc_pipeline.py --email=foo@bar.com ...

Hints and tips


To run without using Grid Engine submission, specify --runner=simple

This creates a qc subdirectory in DIR which contains the output QC products from FastQC and fastq_screen.

Useful additional options for run_qc_pipeline.py include:

Option Function
--limit=N Specify maximum number of jobs that will be submitted at one time (default is 4)
--log-dir=DIR Specify a directory to write log files to
--ge_args=ARGS Specify additional arguments to use with qsub, for example: --ge_args="-j y -l short"
--regexp=PATTERN Specify a regular expression pattern; only filenames that match the pattern will have the QC script run on them


It is recommended to run run_qc_pipeline.py within a Linux screen session.


illumina_qc.sh implements a basic QC script for a single input Fastq from Illumina sequencer platfroms; specifically:

  • Check for contaminations against a panel of genome indexes using fastq_screen (via the fastq_screen.sh script)
  • Generate QC metrics using fastQC
  • (optionally) Create uncompressed copies of Fastq file

The input can be a compressed (gzipped) or uncompressed Fastq.


illumina_qc.sh <fastq[.gz]> [options]


              create uncompressed versions of
              fastq files, if gzipped copies
--no-ungzip   don't create uncompressed fastqs
              (ignored, this is the default)
--threads N   number of threads (i.e. cores)
              available to the script (default
              is N=1)
--subset N    number of reads to use in
              fastq_screen (default N=100000,
              N=0 to use all reads)
--no-screens  don't run fastq_screen
--qc_dir DIR  output QC to DIR (default 'qc')



qcreporter.py generates HTML reports for QC. It can be run on the outputs from either solid_qc.sh or illumina_qc.sh scripts and will try to determine the platform and run type automatically.

In some cases this automatic detection may fail, in which case the --platform and --format options can be used to explicit speciy the platform type and/or the type of input files that are expected; see the section on “Reporting recipes” below.

Usage and options


qcreporter.py [options] DIR [ DIR ...]

Generate QC report for each directory DIR which contains the outputs from a QC script (either SOLiD or Illumina). Creates a qc_report.<run>.<name>.html file in DIR plus an archive qc_report.<run>.<name>.zip which contains the HTML plus all the necessary files for unpacking and viewing elsewhere.



explicitly set the type of sequencing platform (solid, illumina)


explicitly set the format of files (solid, solid_paired_end, fastq, fastqgz)


specify a different name for the QC results subdirectory (default is qc)


don’t generate report, just verify the QC outputs


select subset of files which match regular expression PATTERN

Reporting recipes

The table below indicates the situations in which the reporter should work automatically, and which options to use in cases when it doesn’t:

Platform Data type QC mode Autodetect?
SOLiD4 Fragment Fragment Yes
SOLiD4 Paired-end Fragment Yes
SOLiD4 Paired-end Paired-end Yes
GA2x Fastq.gz n/a Yes
GA2x Fastq n/a No: use –format=fastq
HiSEQ/MiSEQ Fastq.gz n/a No: use –platform=illumina
HiSEQ/MiSEQ Fastq n/a
No: use –platform=illumina


The fastq_screen part of the QC pipeline is implemented as a shell script fastq_screen.sh which can be run independently of the main qc.sh script. It takes a single FASTQ file as input, e.g:

fastq_screen.sh sample.fastq

This runs the fastq_screen program using three sets of genome indexes: common “model” organisms (e.g. human, mouse, rat, fly etc), “other” organisms (e.g. dictystelium), and a set of rRNA indexes.

The script gets its configuration from the following environment variables:

Variable Function
FASTQ_SCREEN_CONF_DIR Location of fastq_screen configuration files
FASTQ_SCREEN_CONF_NT_EXT Base filename extensions for letterspace fastq_screen configuration files (e.g. if conf file is fastq_screen_model_organisms_nt.conf for letterspace then the extension is _nt
FASTQC_CONTAMINANTS_FILE custom contaminants file for fastQC

These can be set in the qc.setup file, where the script will read the values from unless over-ridden by the environment.

The three sets of genome indexes are represented by three fastq_screen configuration files which should be present in the FASTQ_SCREEN_CONF_DIR directory, with the following naming conventions:

  • Model organisms: fastq_screen_model_organisms[EXT].conf
  • Other organisms: fastq_screen_other_organisms[EXT].conf
  • rRNA: fastq_screen_rRNA[EXT].conf

The outputs are written to a qc subdirectory of the working directory, and consist of a tab-file and a plot (in PNG format) for each screen indicating the percentage of reads in the input which mapped against each genome. This acts as a check on whether your sample contains what you expect, or whether it has contamination from other sources.

Information on the fastq_screen program can be found at http://www.bioinformatics.bbsrc.ac.uk/projects/fastq_screen/


Generates a QC boxplot from a SOLiD .qual file.


qc_boxplotter.sh <solid.qual>


Two files (PostScript and PDF format) with the boxplot, called <solid.qual>_seq-order_boxplot.ps and <solid.qual>_seq-order_boxplot.pdf, which indicate the quality of the reads as a function of position.

Use boxplotps2png.sh to convert the PS outputs to PNG.


Utility to generate PNGs from PS boxplots produced from qc_boxplotter.


boxplotps2png.sh BOXPLOT1.ps [ BOXPLOT2.ps ... ]


PNG versions of the input postscript files as BOXPLOT1.png, BOXPLOT2.png etc.


This uses the ImageMagick convert program to do the image format conversion.


The SOLiD_preprocess_filter part of the QC pipeline is implemented as a shell script solid_preprocess_filter.sh. which can be run independently of the main solid_qc.sh script. It takes a CSFASTA/QUAL file pair as input, e.g.:

qsub -V -b Y -N solid_preprocess_filter -wd /path/to/dir/with/data solid_preprocess_filter.sh sample.csfasta sample.qual

and runs the SOLiD_preprocess_filter_v2.pl program on it.

The outputs are a “filtered” CSFASTA/QUAL file pair with the same name the inputs but with _T_F3 appended (e.g. for the example above they would be sample_T_F3.csfasta and sample_T_F3.qual).

The script also runs a basic comparison of the input and output files to determine how many reads were removed by the filtering process. This analysis is written to the log file and also to a file called SOLiD_preprocess_filter.stats, for example:

#File       Reads   Reads after filter      Difference      % Filtered
sample01.csfasta    82352   28252   54100   65.69
sample02.csfasta    19479505        15510259        3969246 20.37
sample03.csfasta    19816967        15501222        4315745 21.77
sample04.csfasta    19581546        15293103        4288443 21.90

Typically around 20-30% of reads removed seems to be normal, anything much higher than this suggests something unusual is going on.

By default the script uses a custom set of options. To replace these with your own preferred set of options for SOLiD_preprocess_filter_v2.pl, specify them as arguments to the solid_preprocess_filter.sh script, e.g.:

qsub -V -b Y -N solid_preprocess_filter -wd /path/to/dir/with/data solid_preprocess_filter.sh -q 3 -p 22 sample.csfasta sample.qual

Information on the SOLiD_preprocess_filter_v2.pl program can be found at http://hts.rutgers.edu/filter/


This is a variation on the solid_preprocess_filter.sh script which truncates the reads before applying the quality filter. It is not currently part of the QC pipeline so it must be run independently. It takes a CSFASTA/QUAL file pair as input, e.g.:

qsub -V -b Y -N solid_preprocess_filter -wd /path/to/dir/with/data solid_preprocess_truncation_filter.sh sample.csfasta sample.qual

By default the truncation length is 30 bp, but this can be changed by specifying the -u <length> option e.g. to use 35 bp do:

qsub -V -b Y -N solid_preprocess_filter -wd /path/to/dir/with/data solid_preprocess_truncation_filter.sh -u 35 sample.csfasta sample.qual

By default the output files use the input CSFASTA file name as a base for the output files, with the truncation length added (e.g. “sample_30bp”); to specify your own, use the -o <basename> option e.g.:

qsub -V -b Y -N solid_preprocess_filter -wd /path/to/dir/with/data solid_preprocess_truncation_filter.sh -o myoutput sample.csfasta sample.qual

The script outputs the following files:

  • <basename>_T_F3.csfasta
  • <basename>_QV_T_F3.qual
  • <basename>_T_F3.fastq

The script also writes statistics on the numbers of input/output reads to the SOLiD_preprocess_filter.stats file.

Other options supplied to the script are directly passed to the underlying SOLiD_preprocess_filter_v2.pl program


Utility to determine the strandedness (forward, reverse, or both) from an R1/R2 pair of Fastq files.

Requires that the STAR mapper is also installed and available on the user’s PATH.

Usage examples:

The simplest example checks the strandedness for a single genome:

fastq_strand.py R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz -g STARindex/mm10

In this example, STARindex/mm10 is a directory which contains the STAR indexes for the mm10 genome build.

The output is a file called R1_fastq_strand.txt which summarises the forward and reverse strandedness percentages:

#fastq_strand version: 0.0.1        #Aligner: STAR  #Reads in subset: 1000
#Genome     1st forward     2nd reverse
STARindex/mm10      13.13   93.21

To include the count sums for unstranded, 1st read strand aligned and 2nd read strand aligned in the output file, specify the --counts option:

#fastq_strand version: 0.0.1        #Aligner: STAR  #Reads in subset: 1000
#Genome     1st forward     2nd reverse     Unstranded      1st read strand aligned 2nd read strand aligned
STARindex/mm10      13.13   93.21   391087  51339   364535

Strandedness can be checked for multiple genomes by specifying additional STAR indexes on the command line with multiple -g flags:

fastq_strand.py R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz -g STARindex/hg38 -g STARindex/mm10

Alternatively a panel of indexes can be supplied via a configuration file of the form:

#Name       STAR index
hg38        /mnt/data/STARindex/hg38
mm10        /mnt/data/STARindex/mm10

(NB blank lines and lines starting with a # are ignored). Use the -c/--conf option to get the strandedness percentages using a configuration file, e.g.:

fastq_strand.py -c model_organisms.conf R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz

By default a random subset of 1000 read pairs is used from the input Fastq pair; this can be changed using the --subset option. If the subset is set to zero then all reads are used.

The number of threads used to run STAR can be set via the -n option; to keep all the outputs from STAR specify the --keep-star-output option.

The strandedness statistics can also be generated for a single Fastq file, by only specifying one file on the command line. E.g.:

fastq_strand.py -c model_organisms.conf R1.fastq.gz